Curriculum Intent


In IT lessons students acquire the skills and abilities needed to engage positively with the digital and global world alongside ICT skills that make creative use of a variety of resources including traditional and digital technologies, and how these all help improve the world around them.  Our aim for students, upon completion of the curriculum, is for them to be digitally literate so that they are able to express themselves and develop their ideas through information technology, at a level that is suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in the digital world

In CS lessons students are taught the principles of problem solving and computation, which prepares them to solve the problems of tomorrow, by developing learner’s knowledge, skills and understanding through key computational concepts and experience. They develop understanding for all the technology that surrounds them by not just understanding how computer systems work, but how to put this knowledge to use through programming and problem solving.


Curriculum Features

In Key stage 3 students experience a wide range of topics, based on improving knowledge, skills and understanding in both Computer Science and Interactive Media. They will specifically look at how a computer works, how computers function within a network, computational thinking and making webpages using HTML alongside programming using Python to provide solutions for particular situations.


In key stage 4 students will choose to follow either a creative or a computing pathway.

Computer Science offers students the opportunity to learn about how computers are physically built, ways in which they can be physically optimised, how they are configured to solve problems and ways communication takes place between networked devices as well as how to code in multiple programming languages and environments.  

Information Technology offers a broad understanding and offers the opportunity to build practical software solutions to work related tasks.  Students build a holistic set of skills which can be used to build and configure software applications for a variety of purposes.  They learn how to plan tasks around logistical factors and make solutions to meet a defined client’s needs.


Year 7






Area of study:

Digital Passport/Computer Hardware

Computer Hardware/Software


Computational Thinking


Programming HTML

What should they know?

Students will study:

How to use the school internet and computer system safely


The role and functions of different components included within a computer

Students will study: Different input and output devices


Different types of software and their functions (linked to hardware)


The purpose and functionality of both an operating system and utility software

Students will study: Hardware and software components that make up a computer system


How computers communicate with one another and computer systems



Students will study: How instructions are stored and executed within a computer system


Computational abstractions that model real world problems


How to use a programming language to solve computational problems

Create, re-use, revise and re-purpose digital artefacts for a given audience, with attention to trustworthiness, design and usability


Undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications

Students will study: What HTML is and what it is used for. 


Simple tags and how these are structured within a HTML page.


How to look for errors within code and what to do to correct them so that they achieve the desired outcome

What should they be able to do?

Students will be able to:

Explain how to keep themselves safe when using the internet and social media and how they can keep their own work safe on the school network


Explain what is inside the case of a standard computer - what does each item do and how it relates to other items including peripherals

Students will be able: Explain the difference between operating systems and utility software


Categorise peripherals into either input or output devices


Identify how the fetch decode execute cycle works and which items of hardware and software are involved in the process.

Students will be able to:

Identify what a network is


identify what is needed to link computers together to share resources.


Draw different layouts of how networks can be put together.


Explain the differences between wired and wireless networks

Students will be able to:

Define abstraction, decomposition and algorithm and apply them to given situations


Identify how a flow chart works and be able to draw one using information.


Identify and explain different types of errors that occur in programming.


Understand and use simple graphic tools such as the brush tool, spot healing, clone tool, text tool, clipping mask and warp


Be able to use techniques such as white space and layout conventions to produce a product that meets the client needs

Students will be able to:

Use simple HTML tags to produce a basic webpage


Add images, formatting, tables and bullet lists into their coding to enhance the outcome

Key vocabulary

Peripherals, hardware, CPU, motherboard, VDU, hard drive, graphics card, RAM, Secondary storage

RAM, Secondary storage, Input device, output devices, fetch-decode-execute cycle, IPOS, software, applications, operating systems, defragmentation

Topology, network, Bus, Star, Mesh, LAN, WAN, Wireless, Fibre optic, copper cables, WIFI, NIC, WAP

Decomposition, abstraction, pattern recognition, algorithm, input/output, decision, terminator, processing, flow chart, syntax, logic

Layers, Clipping Mask, Properties, Drop Shadow, Spot Healing, Clone tool, Brush tool


World wide web, tags, formatting, HTML, internet, home page, site map, menu, URL, body, head, IP address


Formal assessment of hardware


End of unit written assessment including hardware and software

Series of google quizzes to check understanding as the unit progresses.


Formal assessment of networks

Series of tasks put together to form the assessment for this unit of study

Examined Summative Assessment


End of unit assessment to be completed on the topic including the production of a web page

Quizzes to check understanding of each new idea presented


Formal assessment of HTML


Year 8





Area of study:


Computational Thinking

Programming - Python Turtles



Digital Calculations

What should they know?

Students will study: How and when to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely


How to protect their online identity and privacy


Algorithms and how they translate into pseudocode


The key concepts of abstraction and decomposition and understand how they work in real life

Student will study:

How to write Python programs using variables and different conventions that make programs easier to read


How to write programs that use arithmetic operators and relational operators

Students will study how different errors can occur within Python



Students will study: Different animation type and the basic tools need to produce an animation


The ethical and legal implications of using existing and new components


Basic planning tools for a product and how these relate to a given client brief

Students will study:

How to manipulate graphics using a range of different tools


How to choose a graphic for a particular purpose.


The key concepts of visual identify, colour theory and branding


Different types of compression and when to use them

Students will study: How and why computers use Binary numbers.


How numbers are represented in binary and how to carry out simple operations on binary numbers.


How images are represented on a computer.


How sound is represented on a computer


What should they be able to do?

Students will be able to:

Explain how to keep themselves safe online


Identify and explain cybersecurity and the threats of things like phishing and pharming


Use an algorithm and turn it into pseudocode.


Follow and write algorithms


Apply both concepts of abstraction and decomposition to a range of different scenarios

Students will be able to:

Use techniques to make programs easier to read, understand and maintain


Understand and identify simple errors within coding and how to fix them


Read, write analyse and refine programs written in a high-level programming language

Students will be able to:

Use a range of planning tools such as a mood board, mind map and storyboard


Identify different ethical and legal aspect with using existing components


Produce both 2D and 3D animations using Animaker and FlipAnimate


Identify different types of animation and what they would be used to produce

Students will be able to:

Use a range of planning tools such as a mood board, mind map and visualisation diagrams


Understand the graphics may be copyright and subject to intellectual property


Identify the differences between vector and bitmap graphics


Produce a graphic following a client brief using a variety of different editing tools



Students will be able to:

Identify different number bases


Explain why computers use binary and link to switches


Convert denary to binary, binary to denary, binary to hexadecimal and hexadecimal to binary


Add 2 simple binary numbers together


Explain how bitmap images are represented


Explain how analogue sound is represented

Key vocabulary

Sexting, phishing, pharming, malware, algorithm, flowchart, decomposition, abstraction, variable, constant, pseudocode, selection, sequence, iteration

Python, IDLE, arithmetic operators, relational operators, logic, syntax and runtime errors, indentation, white space, selection, sequence, iteration, data types, for loops

Cell animation, stop motion, CGI, 2D/3D, storyboard, tweening, frame rate, time frame, copyright, intellectual property, mind map, mood board, client brief

Client brief, visualisation diagram, resize, resolution, compression, Lossy, lossless, vector, bitmap, graphic

Binary, denary, hexadecimal, addition rules, switches, amplitude, resolution, file size, analogue, digital, sample rate, sample frequency, pixel, colour depth, bit depth.


Formal assessment of computational thinking


Formal assessment of Python including a practical aspect.

Production of a simple animation in response to a client brief

Production of a simple graphic in response to a client brief

Formal assessment of digital calculations


Year 9 Computer Science





Area of study:

Planning tools

Programming - Python

Cybersecurity and Issues

Digital Graphics

Data Representation



What should they know?

Students will study:

The different documents used to support the generation of ideas for a product


How the documents are used to plan and design media products

Students will study: The structural components of programs


How to validate data entry


The different error types that can occur in programming


The different data types used in programming

How to use relational and arithmetic operators within programming


How to use inbuilt functions with Python

Understand the threat to digital systems posed by malware (viruses, worms, Trojans, ransomware, key loggers) and how hackers exploit technical vulnerabilities (unpatched software, out-of-date anti-malware) and use social engineering to carry out cyberattacks


Understand methods of protecting digital systems and data (anti-malware, encryption, acceptable use policies, backup and recovery procedures)

Understand environmental issues associated with the use of digital devices (energy consumption, manufacture, replacement cycle, disposal


Ethical and legal issues

Students will study: What is meant by a visual identify and its component features


The properties of digital graphics


A range of different tools and techniques of image editing software used to create digital graphics


Students will study:

Three number bases, 2 10 and 16


How to convert different number bases


How to add 3 numbers in binary and identify and overflow


How to divide and multiply binary numbers



How to calculate file sizes for images and sounds


How files are compressed and why this might be useful


Features and conventions of interactive Media

Conventions used in media to meet a purpose

Techniques used to create interactive products

Tools and techniques of presentation software used to create an interactive digital media platform


What should they be able to do?

Students will be able to:

Identify the purpose and components of a mind map, mood board, script, storyboard, visualisation diagram and wireframe


Identify when each of the documents is appropriate


Produce a range of different document responding to a client brief

Students will be able to:

Write programs that use techniques to make programs easier to understand


Use different data types such as Boolean and char within programs


Identify different error types that occur during programming and correct those errors so that code works as intended

Students will be able to:

Write programs that use relational operators


Write programs that use AND, OR and NOT


To use the in-built libraries such as random in programs


Make use of sequencing, selection and repetition within programs


Read, refine and write programs written in Python

Be able to explain what malware is.


Be able to identify and explain a range of different malware.


Be able to identify social engineering techniques used.


Be able to identify physical ways to protect a computer system.


Be able to identify and explain how to reduce the possibility of a computer attack.


Be able to identify and explain a range of different hackers and when they would be used


Be able to identify ethical and legal issues associated with the collection and use of personal data (privacy, ownership, consent, misuse, data protection)


Be able to explain the ethical and legal issues associated with the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics (accountability, safety, algorithmic bias, legal liability)


Understand methods of intellectual property protection for computer systems and software (copyright, patents, trademarks, licencing

Students will be able to:

Identify the different components of a visual identify


Explain the benefits and drawbacks of different types of graphic - bitmap and vector


Use a range of tools and techniques used to create a digital graphic following a client brief


Students will be able to:

Convert binary, denary and hexadecimal numbers


Add, subtract and divide binary numbers


Calculate files sizes for images and sound using standard formulas


Explain how compression works, the different types and compression and when theses should be used



Differences between types of interface and the methods used to interact with them 

When and where different types of interface are used 

The Multimedia assets used to create interactive media products and their effectiveness.


The definitions of, and differences between, file types (Image: Bitmap/vector, Audio-MP3 and video-MP4)

How Multimedia assets are used to appeal to different target audiences and purposes


Using tools and techniques of presentation software to produce effective interfaces for interactive media 


  • Setting up kiosk mode, 
  • Master slide,
  • Hyperlinks,
  • Use of layout (Whitespace)
  • Intuitive design
  • Navigation methods
  • Hardware/software consideration
  • Assets log
  • Testing tables

Key vocabulary

Pre-production, contingency, workflow, mind map, mood board, script, storyboard, visualisation diagram, wireframe

Sequence, selection, iteration, validation, authentication, logic error, syntax error, run-time error, white space, indentation, comments AND, OR, NOT, count controlled loop, condition-controlled loop, sub programme, function, procedure, arrays, local variable, global variable

Malware, Trojan Horse, Worm, Virus, Keylogger, Hacker, Phishing, Pharming, Shouldering, Blagging, Ethical, Artificial Intelligence, Trademarks, Patents, Copyright


Visual identity, graphic, strapline, typography, colour palette, layout, brand values, bitmap graphic, vector graphic, scalability, brightness, contrast

Binary, denary, hexadecimal, overflow, amplitude, resolution, file size, analogue, digital, sample rate, sample frequency, pixel, colour depth, bit depth, compression, lossy, lossless


Stop Motion, Claymation

Time lapse, Motion capture, CGI, Cell Animation, Flipbook, cut out, Dialogue, Narration, Voice Over, Tweening, Timeline, Onion skinning, Layering, Libraries, Keyframes



Formal assessment of planning documents

Formal assessment of programming using a selection of Python scripts with errors to fix.

Formal assessment of programming skills using a set of scenarios

Formal assessment of Cybersecurity issues representation.

Formal assessment by producing a digital graphic for a client

Formal assessment of data representation

Quizzes to assess theory aspects


Production of an interactive product using client brief and planning tools


Marked using assessment grid from OCR



Year 10 Computer Science






Autumn 1


Autumn 2a


Autumn 2b


Spring 1


Spring 2


Summer 1


Computational Thinking/Python – Review



Data – Binary and Data Representation - Review

Mock Exam Preparation – Tricky Topics



Computers/Networks - Review

Issues and Impact Review

Exam Revision Papers 1 and 2


Review Computational thinking

  • Decomposition/abstraction
  • Algorithms/Pseudocode
  • Flow charts
  • Selection/sequence/iteration
  • Trace tables
  • Variables/constants
  • Arrays
  • Arithmetic/relation/logical operators
  • Error types
  • Searching algorithms
  • Sorting algorithms
  • Truth tables

Review Data

  • Signed integers
  • Two’s complement
  • Binary addition
  • Logical/arithmetic shifts
  • Overflow
  • Hexadecimal
  • Characters
  • Images
  • Sound
  • Units of measurement
  • Compression

Go through tricky topics identified by students in first 11 weeks


Use tricky topics booklet and Revision materials


Practice Paper 2 timed

Review Computers/Networks

  • Stored program concept
  • CPU
  • FDE
  • Storage
  • Embedded systems
  • Operating systems
  • Utility software
  • Robust software
  • Programming languages
  • Networks
  • Internet
  • Packet switching
  • Wired/wireless
  • Network speed
  • Protocols
  • Topologies
  • Security



Review Issues and Impacts

  • Environmental issues
  • Personal data
  • Legislation
  • AI
  • Intellectual Property
  • Threats to systems
  • Protecting systems


Revision as per the needs of individual classes.

Examined Summative Assessment


In Class:

Paper 1 exam questions – computational thinking


Paper 2 exam questions – not timed


Examined Summative Assessment


Paper 1 exam questions – data


Examined Summative Assessment


Mock exams:

Paper 1

Paper 2



Examined Summative Assessment



Examined Summative Assessment


Mock exams: Paper 1

Mock Exam: paper 2

Examined Summative Assessment


Past exam papers


Exam link

Paper 1

Paper 2

Paper 1

Paper 1

Paper 2

Paper 1

Paper 1

Paper 2

Paper 1

Paper 2

Key Vocabulary









Flow charts




Trace tables




Arithmetic/relation/logical operators

Error types

Bubble sort

Merge sort

Linear Search

Binary search

Truth tables



Signed integers

Two’s complement

Binary addition

Logical/arithmetic shifts






Colour depth



Sample Rate

Units of measurement

Lossy compression

Lossless compression






Stored program concept



Secondary storage

Primary storage

Optical storage

Magnetic storage

Cloud storage

Embedded systems

Operating systems

Utility software

Audit trail

Code review

High level language

Low level language







Packet switching


Network speed



Physical security



Energy consumption



Digital footprint


Computer Misuse Act


Artificial Intelligence

Algorithmic Bias

Machine learning




Open source




Technical vulnerability




Quid pro Quo



Acceptable Use Policy




Year 11 Computer Science






Autumn 1


Autumn 2a


Autumn 2b


Spring 1


Spring 2


Summer 1


Computational Thinking/Python – Review



Data – Binary and Data Representation - Review

Mock Exam Preparation – Tricky Topics



Computers/Networks - Review

Issues and Impact Review

Exam Revision Papers 1 and 2


Review Computational thinking

  • Decomposition/abstraction
  • Algorithms/Pseudocode
  • Flow charts
  • Selection/sequence/iteration
  • Trace tables
  • Variables/constants
  • Arrays
  • Arithmetic/relation/logical operators
  • Error types
  • Searching algorithms
  • Sorting algorithms
  • Truth tables

Review Data

  • Signed integers
  • Two’s complement
  • Binary addition
  • Logical/arithmetic shifts
  • Overflow
  • Hexadecimal
  • Characters
  • Images
  • Sound
  • Units of measurement
  • Compression

Go through tricky topics identified by students in first 11 weeks


Use tricky topics booklet and Revision materials


Practice Paper 2 timed

Review Computers/Networks

  • Stored program concept
  • CPU
  • FDE
  • Storage
  • Embedded systems
  • Operating systems
  • Utility software
  • Robust software
  • Programming languages
  • Networks
  • Internet
  • Packet switching
  • Wired/wireless
  • Network speed
  • Protocols
  • Topologies
  • Security



Review Issues and Impacts

  • Environmental issues
  • Personal data
  • Legislation
  • AI
  • Intellectual Property
  • Threats to systems
  • Protecting systems


Revision as per the needs of individual classes.

Examined Summative Assessment


In Class:

Paper 1 exam questions – computational thinking


Paper 2 exam questions – not timed


Examined Summative Assessment


Paper 1 exam questions – data


Examined Summative Assessment


Mock exams:

Paper 1

Paper 2



Examined Summative Assessment



Examined Summative Assessment


Mock exams: Paper 1

Mock Exam: paper 2

Examined Summative Assessment


Past exam papers


Exam link

Paper 1

Paper 2

Paper 1

Paper 1

Paper 2

Paper 1

Paper 1

Paper 2

Paper 1

Paper 2

Key Vocabulary









Flow charts




Trace tables




Arithmetic/relation/logical operators

Error types

Bubble sort

Merge sort

Linear Search

Binary search

Truth tables



Signed integers

Two’s complement

Binary addition

Logical/arithmetic shifts






Colour depth



Sample Rate

Units of measurement

Lossy compression

Lossless compression






Stored program concept



Secondary storage

Primary storage

Optical storage

Magnetic storage

Cloud storage

Embedded systems

Operating systems

Utility software

Audit trail

Code review

High level language

Low level language







Packet switching


Network speed



Physical security



Energy consumption



Digital footprint


Computer Misuse Act


Artificial Intelligence

Algorithmic Bias

Machine learning




Open source




Technical vulnerability




Quid pro Quo



Acceptable Use Policy




Year 10 Creative I Media - this is the first year of this course





Area of study:

R093 Media Industry Sectors and Products

R093 Work Planning

R094 Visual Identify and Graphics

R094  NEA


NEA Submission/moderation


R093 Distribution platforms and media to reach audiences

What should they know?

Students will study:


Key aspects of the Traditional/New Media sector and how it is changing/adapting


How meaning is created for different purposes.


How to identify the keywords in a clients’ requirements that will form their designs


Audiences are segmented and why they are used


Technical and symbolic codes and how they are used to create meaning


How the codes and conventions are used to create an effective product

Students will study:


How work planning documents used to support ideas generation


The different documents used to design and plan media products

Students will study:


The purpose, features, elements and design of visual identity

Different graphic design concepts and conventions

The properties of digital graphics and use of assets


A range of tools and techniques to create visual identity and digital graphics

The use of technical skills to source, create and prepare assets for use within digital graphics

Students will study:


How to modify, store, save and export images and graphics for use

The production a graphical product following a client brief


How to complete a set of planning documents to support their graphical element


Students will study: The threats to digital systems posed by malware.


Environmental issue associated with using technology


Ethical issues associated with using technology


Legal issues involved with using technology

Students will study:


Distribution platforms and media to reach audiences


Properties and formats of media files

What should they be able to do?

Students will be able to:


Identify the media industry, sectors and products


Explain how style, content and layout are linked to the purpose.


Understand audience demographics and segmentation


Identify how media codes are used to convey meaning, create impact and/or engage audiences

Students will be able to:


Explain the phases of a media production and identify the documents used in each one


Explain the purpose, advantages and disadvantages of a work plan


Explain the role of the different components of a work plan


Explain the purpose of a mind map, mood board, asset log, flow chart, script, storyboard, visualisation diagram and wireframe


Explain how a mind map, mood board, asset log, flow chart, script, storyboard, visualisation diagram and wireframe are created


Identify the users of a mind map, mood board, asset log, flow chart, script, storyboard, visualisation diagram and wireframe  


Students will be able to:


Identify the purpose and different elements of a visual identity and the component features


Recognise the design style of a visual identity and why it is used


Identify the concepts and conventions of graphic design


Explain the properties of bitmap/vector files


Explain the need for licences and permissions when using assets


Create a mood board, mind map, concept sketches, visualisation diagram in response to a brief

Use image editing software to create new documents


Use image editing software to modify the brightness, contrast and colour of an image, work with layers, text/type, filters, effects, retouching and cloning tools


Source a range of images and graphics for use


Create a range of images and assets using image editing software


Students will be able to:


Modify, store, save and export images and graphics for use

Produce a graphical product following a client brief


Complete a set of planning documents to support their graphical element


Use image editing software to modify the properties of images and assets to ensure their technical compatibility with a print product


Organise files and folders on a computer system to manage assets


Use image editing software to save and export images, visual identity and graphics


Assignment #1

Develop visual identity


Assignment #2

Develop visual identity


Assignment #3



Assignment #4



Assignment #5



Assignment #5



Students will be able to:


Use image editing software to modify the properties of images and assets to ensure their technical compatibility with a print product


Organise files and folders on a computer system to manage assets


Use image editing software to save and export images, visual identity and graphics


Assignment #7

Creating visual identity and digital graphics


Assignment #8

Creating visual identity and digital graphics


Assignment #9

Creating visual identity and digital graphics


Assignment #10

Creating visual identity and digital graphics


Assignment #11

Creating visual identity and digital graphics


Assignment #12

Creating visual identity and digital graphics


Assignment #13

Creating visual identity and digital graphics


Assignment #14

Creating visual identity and digital graphics

Students will be able to:


Explain how online platforms are used to deliver media products


Identify how the characteristics of the platforms effects the choice of platform for a media product.


Explain how physical platforms are used to deliver media products 


Explain how the characteristics of the platforms effects the choice of platform for a media product


Explain what sample rate/bit depth and frame rate are and how this affects product quality


Explain how sound quality is affected by sample rate and bit depth


Explain what is meant by and the differences between SD, HD, UHD, 4K and 8K



Key vocabulary

Traditional mediaComputer gamesInteractive mediaInternetDigital publishing, Video, Audio, Music, Animation, Special effects (SFX, VFX), PurposeAdvertise/PromoteEducateInform


Technical codes

Symbolic codes



Production phase, Workflow, Milestone, Contingency, Resources, Mind map

Mood board, Asset log, Flow chart, Script


Visualisation diagram

Wireframe layout




Brand identityVisual identityElementsGraphicsTypographyColour layoutConventionsAlignmentColour

Colour system, White space, Bitmap, Raster, Colour depth, Colour mode, Vector

Properties, Scalability

Brightness, Colour

Selections, Layers

Layer styles, Retouching, Cloning


Image editing software, Tools

Techniques, Modify

Resize, Resample

Technical compatibility

Computer system

Folders, Organisation

Structure, File format

Storage, Image editing software, Saving, Exporting


Image editing software, Tools

Techniques, Modify

Resize, Resample

Technical compatibility

Computer system

Folders, Organisation

Structure, File format

Storage, Image editing software, Saving, Exporting


Characteristics, Apps

Multimedia, Web


Computer, Interactive TV, Kiosks

Mobile devices

Characteristics, CD/DVD, Memory Stick, Bit depth, Sample rate, Frame Rate, Resolution, Animation, Video


Formal assessment of the media industry

Formal assessment of work planning by producing a series of planning documents to a given scenario and marked as per exam board


Formal assessment of graphical skills using examination questions

Formal assessment of NEA

Formal assessment of NEA


Formal assessment of distribution platforms


GCSE Exam Information:


IT - OCR Cambridge Nationals Creative IMedia

This course is assessed by the production of 3 units of work


R093: Creative iMedia in the media industry

Written paper, OCR set and marked 1 hour and 15 minutes’ worth 60 marks


R094: Visual identity and digital graphics

Centre-assessed tasks, OCR moderated, 30 GLH worth 60 marks


Optional unit


Centre-assessed tasks, OCR moderated, 30 GLH worth 60 marks


Computer Science- Edexcel

Paper 1 (1CP2/01) - Principles of Computer Science

Written examination - 1 hour and 30 minutes’ worth 50%

Paper 2 (1CP2/02) - Application of Computational Thinking

Practical on-screen examination - 2 hours’ worth 50%


Some of the possible careers this area of study can lead you into: System programmer, Software developer, Web developer, Network administrator, Software Tester, Cyber Security Analyst, Forensic Computer Analyst, Data Analyst, Animator, Games Developer, Digital Marketer, Applications Developer.


Useful links:

BBC bitesize
