Subject: Science

Curriculum Intent:

The overall Science curriculum experience at Werneth School is based around our commitment to provide all students with a diverse knowledge base in the three individual specialisms within Science. All students study a variety of Biological, Chemical and Physical topics from the functioning of the human body to nuclear radiation. Students are encouraged to feed their intellectual curiosity through problem solving and experimentation whilst establishing the context of their studies in terms of the world around us.

As pupils move through the year groups the Science curriculum is layered to allow students to revisit key learning and deepen their understanding. Links are made between Biological, Chemical and Physical topics to enable students to understand the bigger picture. Our final aim is that the Science curriculum provides our students with a rich understanding of Science that goes beyond the GCSE syllabus and equips them with the powerful knowledge that they can utilise following their studies at Werneth School.

Curriculum Features:

At Key Stage Three we have a content rich curriculum that spans the foundations of all three specialisms. The curriculum is designed to equip students with a firm understanding of key concepts such as cells, reactions and forces. Students are encouraged to make links between their learning at regular intervals through the use of interleaved assessments. This structure allows them to see, understand and explain the key underpinnings of scientific theories.

At Key Stage Four students are empowered to utilise their learning to explain observations and facts from the world around us thus adding context and significance to their learning. We offer a rich curriculum including combined and triple Science routes. To reflect the linear exam courses material is studied on an ongoing cycle with a focus placed on the key links between different concepts and theories. Regular testing takes place which is supported by retrieval practice during lessons. This aids the development of long-term memory and mastery of both the skills and knowledge required. All lessons have clear and consistent routines and follow a common format that has been adopted by all members of the faculty to ensure consistent delivery.

Co-curriculum Enrichment

Students are offered a wide variety of opportunities and experiences that enrich their understanding of the world around them and how they are connected to it. Such opportunities include:

  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) focused challenges and competitions operated by the Royal Air Force and Stockport Grammar School
  • STEM club
  • Trips to ‘Big Bang’ roadshows
  • Royal Society of Chemistry Careers Resources (Werneth school is an Affiliate Member)
  • STEM Learning Network Summer Camps focused around the ever-increasing role of STEM in the modern world
  • STEM Learning Network career ambassador talks
    Running alongside all of our key stages is an ongoing focus on developing students’ practical skills to enable all of our students to be effective theoretical and practical scientists.

Curriculum overview:







Year 7 Curriculum in detail click here

Year 8 Curriculum in detail click here

Year 9 Curriculum in detail click here



Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Autumn Term



Skills booklet- Lab Safety and introduction to practical science

Matter - Periodic table & Separating mixtures

Organisms - Health & Disease

Matter - Particle model

Forces speed and pressure

Waves - effects & properties

Forces - contact and non contact

Organisms - Digestion & Cells

Reactions - types of reactions & energy changes

Organisms - skeletal & gas exchange

Reactions - metals & non metals

Earth - carbon cycle

Reactions - acids & alkalis





Energy - transfers and work

Electromagnetism current & PD

Genes & Evolution- Inheritance

Genes - variation and human reproduction

Genes & Evolution - Evolution and Interdependence

Literacy and STEM Careers Topic

Electromagnetism - magnets & electromagnets

Energy - costs & heating

GCSE Foundation Knowledge Biology


Energy Transfers and Work 2024/2025 only




Ecosystems - Plant reproduction & Interdependence

Ecosystems - respiration & photosynthesis

GCSE Foundation Knowledge Chemistry

Waves - sound

Ecosystems - Plant reproduction & Interdependence 24/25 only


Earth - Structure and Universe

Waves - light

GCSE Foundation Knowledge Physics


Earth - climate & resources




Earth Structure and Universe 2024/2025 only


Summer assessment






Year 10 GCSE Combined and Triple Science - AQA Trilogy



Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Topic Name

B2- Organisation in the Body

C2- Bonding

P1 Part B



Microbes and Disease


Quantitative Chemistry

P2 Part A


P5 Part A

Forces and Motion




Chemical Analysis


Area of study:

Digestion, Enzymes, Heart, lungs and health.

Ionic, Covalent and Metallic Bonding

Renewable and non-renewable energy

Animal and plant diseases. Immune response and antibiotic resistance.

Relative formula mass, Concentration and number of moles calculations

Electrical circuits.

Resistance calculations.

Scalar and Vector quantities.  Contact and non contact forces. 

Inherited diseases.


Selective breeding







What should they know

Students should know how the digestive system provides the body with nutrients, how the respiratory system provides the body with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide, and how these substances are transported around the body by the circulatory system.

Students should be able to describe ionic, covalent and metallic bonding. They should recall the different ways in which carbon can bond and be able to give the properties of ionic compounds, small covalent compounds, giant covalent compounds, metals and alloys.

Students should know the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy resources. 

Students should know how pathogens can enter organisms and cause damage. They should recall examples of diseases affecting plants and humans by each type of pathogen. They should know how the human body defends itself against infection, and how vaccinations, antibiotics and painkillers can be used to reduce the effects pathogens can have.

Students should know what relative formula mass, concentration and the law of conservation of mass are.


Students should know what a mole is and how to calculate the number of moles. They should know what Avogadro’s constant is and what it tells them.

Students should know the standard circuit symbols, and what charge, current, potential difference and resistance are.

They should know the difference between series and parallel circuits and recall the rules for current, potential difference and resistance in series and parallel.

Students should know the difference between scalar and vector quantities, and contact and non-contact forces.

They should know that an object’s weight depends on its mass and the strength of the gravitational field.


Students should know the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction.

They should know how gametes form from meiosis.

They should know what genes and chromosomes are.

They should know the structure of DNA.

Students should know the definitions of key terms (see vocabulary list).

Students should know the difference between dominant and recessive alleles.

Students should know that some disorders are inherited.

Students should know that pure substances have specific melting and boiling points.

They should know what a formulation is.

Students should know how to test for common gases.

What should they be able to do

Students should be able to describe how to carry out tests for different nutrients, and be able to investigate the factors that affect enzyme action. They should be able to interpret data and evaluate information to give informed conclusions.

Students should be able to link the structure of a material to its properties.

Students should be able to calculate power and evaluate the environmental impacts of producing electricity with different energy resources.

Students should be able to explain how vaccinations work. They should be able to make links between the symptoms of plant diseases and their impact on the rate of photosynthesis, They should also be able to explain how scientists develop new medicinal drugs.

Students should be able to calculate relative formula mass and concentration. They should be able to apply the law of conservation of mass to calculate the mass of products and reactants, and to explain why the mass changes when one of the products is a gas. They should be able to calculate the uncertainty of measurements.


Students should be able to calculate moles and use this to balance symbol equations, calculate the amount of substances needed for a reaction and find the limiting reactant.

Students should be able to draw and interpret circuit diagrams. They should be able to apply equations to calculate charge, current, potential difference and resistance. They should be able to use circuits to investigate how resistance changes with the length of a wire, how resistance of different circuit components changes with potential difference, and how the total resistance of a circuit changes when it is arranged in series and parallel. They should be able to apply the rules for series and parallel circuits to calculate current, potential difference and resistance. Students should be able to use a graph to identify if a component obeys Ohm’s law.

Students should be able to calculate weight, work done and resultant force acting on an object.

They should be able to describe the motion of an object based on the resultant force acting on it.

They should be able to calculate the force acting on a spring.

They should be able to investigate the effect of force on the extension of a spring.


Students should be able to discuss the importance of understanding the human genome.

They should be able to use Punnett square diagrams to calculate the probability that an individual will have certain characteristics.


Students should be able to carry out paper chromatography and use it to calculate Rf values.

Key Vocabulary
































Avagadro’s constant



Potential difference








Light dependent resistor
























Melting point

Boiling point


Rf value



Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.












Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic Name





Chemistry of the Atmosphere


End of year exams


Using Resources




B7 Review

P3 Review

B1 Review

Area of study:


Developing the atmosphere


Revision of all year 10 topics











Change of state



Stem Cells



What should they know

Students should know the difference between inherited and environmental variation.

Students should know the theory of evolution by natural selection and what evidence supports it.

Students should know how organisms can be selectively bred for particular characteristics.

Students should know how living organisms are classified using the Linnaean system, and how this was developed further by Woese.

Students should know how and why the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere has changed since it first formed billions of years ago.

Students should know the impact of increasing levels of greenhouse gases on the Earth.

Students should know that burning fossil fuels produces pollutants.





Students should know the difference between finite and renewable resources, and natural and synthetic products.

They should know what potable water is.

Students should know how to carry out a lifecycle assessment.

Students should know the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions.

Students should know what is meant by activation energy.

See Year 9 overview

See Year 9 overview

See Year 9 overview

What should they be able to do

Students should be able to explain the process of genetic engineering.

They should be able to evaluate the use of genetic engineering.

Students should be able to describe factors which may contribute to the extinction of a species.

Students should be able to explain how the existence of antibiotic resistant bacteria provides evidence for the theory of evolution by natural selection.

Students should be able to explain the greenhouse effect.

They should be able to describe how to reduce your carbon footprint.

They should be able to explain the effect of pollutants on the environment and human health.



Students should be able to describe how potable water is produced.

They should be able to describe how to analyse and purify water samples.

HIGHER Students should be able to explain how we can extract metal from low grade ores.

Students should be able to use lifecycle assessments to make decisions about which materials and resources to use. 

Students should be able to sketch and interpret reaction profiles.

Students should be able to investigate endothermic and exothermic reactions.

HIGHER Students should be able to carry out bond energy calculations to identify if a reaction is endothermic or exothermic.

See Year 9 overview

See Year 9 overview

See Year 9 overview

Key Vocabulary

See previous



Acid rain

Greenhouse gas

Greenhouse effect

Global warming

Climate change











Activation energy

Reaction profile

See Year 9 overview

See Year 9 overview

See Year 9 overview


Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.


Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.





Year 11 GCSE





Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Topic Name


Chemical Changes


Part B


Mock Exams

Rate and extent of chemical change

Organic Chemistry

Homeostasis and Response

Forces and Motion Part B


Area of study:

Leaf Structure





Reactivity of metals

Process of Oxidation and Reduction

Electrolysis of molten and aqueous solutions

Series and parallel circuits

Domestic uses and safety

Mains electricity


National Grid

Nuclear Radiation

Radioactive decay



Paper 1 Mock Exams

Rates of Reaction

Rate of reaction required practicals

Equilibrium and reversible reactions


Crude oil, hydrocarbons and alkanes.

Fractional distillation

Cracking and alkenes.

Nervous System

Endocrine System







Reaction time

Stopping Distances



Permanent and induced magnets

Magnetic Fields

The motor effect


What should they know

Students should be able to describe the process of photosynthesis and how leaves are adapted to facilitate this process.

They should describe and explain using equations the process of aerobic and anaerobic respiration.  Describe the process of fermentation in plants and yeast.

Recall metabolism is the sum of all reactions in a cell or the body

Students should be able to explain reduction and oxidation in terms of loss or gain of oxygen.

 Explain how a  more reactive metal can displace a less reactive metal from a compound.

Explain how metals less reactive than carbon can be extracted from their oxides by reduction with carbon.

Explain the process of electrolysis of molten and aqueous solutions.

Students should be able to calculate current, resistance and potential difference in series and parallel circuits.

Students should be able to explain the difference between direct and alternating potential differences.

Describe the makeup of the National Grid

Complete energy transfer and power using formulae.

Students should be able to describe alpha, beta and gamma decay.

To describe half life and determine it using graphs and numerical information.

Students should be able to compare the hazards associated with contamination and irradiation.

Complete full paper 1 mock exams in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Chemical reactions can occur at vastly different rates.  Describe variables that can be manipulated in order to speed  up or slow  down reactions. Chemical reactions may also be reversible. To identify how to maximise the yield of desired product.

Students should name the first four  alkanes, methane, ethane, propane and butane.

The many hydrocarbons in crude oil may be separated into fractions, each of which contains molecules with a similar number of carbon atoms, by fractional distillation

Students should know the structure of a neuron and be able to describe a reflex arc.

Students should be able to describe the principles of hormonal coordination and control by the human endocrine system.

Students should be able to explain how hormones interact to control blood glucose concentration and the menstrual cycle.

The process of IVF and ethical issues relating to it.

Students should be able to express a displacement in terms of both the magnitude and direction.

Students should be able to calculate speed

Students should know the speed of people walking, running and cycling.

The speed of an object can be calculated from the gradient of its distance–time graph.

Students should know Newtons’ first, second and third laws.

Reaction times vary from person to person. Typical values range from 0.2 s to 0.9 s.

The poles of a magnet are the places where the magnetic forces are strongest.

The differences between permanent and induced magnets.

The strength of the magnetic field depends on the distance from the magnet.

When a current flows through a conducting wire a magnetic field is produced around the wire. The strength depends on the current through the wire and the distance from the wire.

A coil of wire carrying a current in a magnetic field tends to rotate. This is the basis of an electric motor.

What should they be able to do

Recall the word and symbol equations for photosynthesis and respiration.

Carry out a required practical to determine the rate of photosynthesis.


Describe the process of oxidation and reduction.

Carry out a practical activity to make a soluble salt.

Carry out electrolysis of various solutions and predict the products.

Recognise series and parallel circuits.

Draw circuits using the correct symbols.

Solve problems for circuits which include resistors in series using the concept of equivalent resistance

Students should be able to explain why the National Grid system is an efficient way to transfer energy.

Students should be able to apply their knowledge to the uses of radiation and evaluate the best sources of radiation to use in a given situation.


Describe factors that affect rate of reaction.

Explain how factors speed up and slow down reactions. 

Carry out a range of practicals to measure the rate of reactions.

Calculate the rate of reactions using graphical and numerical data.

Students should be able to make qualitative predictions about the effect of changes on systems at equilibrium when given appropriate information.

Students should be able to draw the first four alkanes.

Students should be able to explain how fractional distillation works in terms of evaporation and condensation.

Students should be able to recall how boiling point, viscosity and flammability change with increasing molecular size.

Students should be able to identify the position of the following on a diagram of the human body:  pituitary gland, pancreas, thyroid, adrenal gland, ovary and testes.

Explain how insulin and glucagon are used to control blood glucose levels.

Describe how the hormones interact to control the menstrual cycle.

Analyse graphs of the menstrual cycle.

Carry out a practical to investigate reaction time.


Students should be able to make measurements of distance and time and then calculate speeds of objects.

Students should be able to determine speed from a distance–time graph.

Calculate acceleration of an object  from the gradient of a velocity–time graph.

Students should be able to analyse velocity time graphs Investigate the effect of varying the force on the acceleration of an object of constant mass

Explain methods used to measure human reaction times and recall typical results

Describe how to plot the magnetic field pattern of a magnet using a compass

Draw the magnetic field pattern of a bar magnet showing how strength and direction change from one point to another.

Explain how a solenoid arrangement can increase the magnetic effect of the current.

Students should be able to explain how the force on a conductor in a magnetic field causes the rotation of the coil in an electric motor.


Key Vocabulary




Carbon Dioxide














Potential Difference








Half life
















Fractional Distillation
























Magnetic Field




Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

All students sit a full paper one past paper for each discipline.  They are completed in full exam conditions and marked to exam board guidance.  Students will receive individual feedback from their teachers on areas they need to improve their knowledge before the actual GCSE exams.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.

Mid unit 6 mark question - marked by the teacher- feedback responded to by students

End of unit exam featuring at least two units and interleaving from previous years content.  It is made up of  long and short answer questions.







Spring 2

Topic Name

Paper 2 mock exams

GCSE Revision

Area of study:

Revision of all GCSE units of study in preparation for the Exams in May and June

Revision of all GCSE units of study in preparation for the Exams in May and June

What should they know



What should they be able to do



Key Vocabulary















GCSE Exam Information: Exam Board, papers and topics (weighting and length of paper)

At key stage four there are two available pathways in Science. A large portion of students are selected to study Triple Science. Their nine lessons are split equally between Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Pupils who are selected to study this course will receive three GCSE grades without using an option choice. The second pathway enables pupils to study Combined Science over nine lessons a fortnight and receive two GCSE grades. All classes at key stage four are taught to specialism and are allocated a separate Biology, Chemistry and Physics teacher. All pupils follow the AQA specification and are assessed by external examinations at the end of year eleven. The examinations require pupils to describe and explain specific practical procedures performed during key stage four as a replacement for the traditional controlled assessment element of the course.

A wealth of support is offered to students throughout both key stages including weekly revision clubs and specific intervention programs. A timetable for year eleven revision sessions will be published on this page at the start of each academic year.  We are a dynamic and helpful department who are dedicated to driving achievement for all students.


Combined Science (2 GCSEs)

Triple Science (3 GCSEs)

Number of  GCSE Exams

6 (2 Exams in each of the three disciplines)

6 (2 Exams in each of the three disciplines)

Duration of Each Exam

1 Hour 15 minutes (70 Marks)

1 Hour 45 minutes (100 Marks)

Weighting of Each Exam

16.6 % of the final GCSE

All of the six exams are added together to produce two GCSE grades.

For example a 6-6 could be around 60% whilst a 6-5 would be 55% of the total marks available

Biology - 2 Exams each 50% of the final GCSE

Chemistry - 2 Exams each 50% of the final GCSE

Physics - 2 Exams each 50% of the final GCSE


Useful links:

Exam Specs:


Exam Board Student and Parent Support: