Curriculum Intent

We strive for all students studying Modern Foreign Languages at Werneth to open up to other cultures and foster curiosity about the wider world. To also enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language.  It helps them to develop their ability to communicate, including key skills of speaking and listening and extends their knowledge of how language works. Learning another language gives students a new perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand their own cultures and those of others.  The natural links between languages and other areas of the curriculum can enrich the overall teaching and learning experience.


Curriculum Features

By the end of KS3 students will be able to:

  • Use and apply the skills in the four key domains: reading, writing, speaking and listening.
  • Apply the deciphering skills of understanding a new language and code breaking unfamiliar language from a variety of sources, including authentic material.
  • Build a vocabulary of linguistic terminology which supports in categorising features of language both in French and in English.
  • Build up skills of grammar in a confident and coherent manner.
  • Discuss various Francophone cultures with relation to food, education, politics and history.
  • Develop awareness of the real-life application of languages in society and the workplace.
  • Acknowledge how their skills can be transferred to both their own language and additional languages they may learn in the future.


At Key Stage 3 students embrace varied lesson content developing their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Much emphasis is placed on the spoken word in the classroom enabling students to communicate confidently. Students will cover many interesting topics such as home and school life, the wider world and different cultures, food and drink, fashion, media, holidays and festivals. Intercultural understanding is also important to our students in the context of language learning. Currently all our Yr7, 8 and 9 students study French. In Year 9 students can choose to take Spanish in their choices.


Curriculum overview: At Key Stage 3 students embrace varied lesson content developing their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Much emphasis is placed on the spoken word in the classroom enabling students to communicate confidently. Students will cover many interesting topics such as home and school life, the wider world and different cultures, food and drink, fashion, media, holidays and festivals. Intercultural understanding is also important to our students in the context of language learning. Currently all our Yr7, 8 and 9 students study French. In Year 9 students can choose to take Spanish in their choices.


MFL Year 7 Progression Grid Link





Area of study:

Relationships, family and friends


Free time

Where I live


Culture and revision

What should they know?

How to describe themselves and others.

How to use regular verbs

How to give opinions on school subjects.

How to ask and answer questions about what they study

How to talk about what they do in their free time.

How to say what they like doing.

How to describe where they live and what they can do there.

How to talk about where they go and what they do on holiday.

How to order food and understand prices.

How to talk about animals, analyse poetry and describe works of art

What should they be able to do?

Students will be able to introduce themselves and other people, including describing appearance, personality and relationships.

Students will be able to ask and answer questions and give justified opinions.

Students will be able to use a range of verbs in the present tense.

Students will be able to use modal verbs.

Students will be able to use two different tenses (present and future) to describe holiday activities.


Students will be able to complete a project demonstrating their understanding of language used throughout the year.

Key vocabulary

Mon autoportrait, les opinions, mon kit de survie, moi et les autres, les yeux et les cheveux, les musiciens, les mots essentiels

My self-portrait, opinions, my survival kit, me and others, eyes and hair, musicians, essential words


Les matières scolaires, les opinions, les raisons, quelle heure est-il?, l’emploi du temps, la journée scolaire, qu’est-ce que tu manges?, les mots essentiels

School subjects, opinions, reasons, what time is it?, timetable, school day, what are you eating?, essential words


Les ordinateurs et les portables, la fréquence, les sports, qu’est-ce que tu fais?, quand?, qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire?, qu’est-ce qu’ils font?, les mots essentiels

Computers and cell phones, frequency, sports, what do you do?, when?, what do you like to do?, what do they do?, essential words


Là où j’habite, les opinions, les directions, les attractions, les adverbes de fréquence, coucou!, qu’est-ce qu’on peut faire à…?, les mots essentiels

Where I live, opinions, directions, attractions, adverbs of frequency, hello!, what can we do about…?, essential words


Les vacances en famille, je me prépare, les nombres et l’argent, au café, qu’est-ce que tu vas faire?, quels sont tes rêves, les mots essentiels

Family vacations, getting ready, numbers and money, coffee, what are you going to do?, what are your dreams, essential words


Les animaux, la poésie, les peintures, grammaire

Animals, poetry, paintings, grammar



End of Module 1 tests consisting of a reading paper testing knowledge of adjectives and opinions.

End of Module 2 tests consisting of a listening paper and a translation task Fr - En testing knowledge of school subjects and use of justified opinions.

End of Module 3 tests consisting of a reading paper and a listening paper testing ability to use verbs in the present tense in the context of free time.

End of Module 4 tests consisting of a GCSE foundation paper-style 40 word written task.

End of Module 5 tests consisting of a reading paper and a translation task En - Fr on the topic of holidays.

End of year tests consisting of a reading paper, listening paper, speaking assessment and a GCSE foundation paper-style 40 word written task.



MFL Year 8 Progression Grid Link






Area of study:






Culture and revision

What should they know?

Opinion phrases, reasons and adjectives to describe activities. A range of verbs (including ‘faire’ and ‘regarder’) in affirmative and negative forms.

Range of regular and irregular verbs in the perfect tense in both affirmative and negative forms.

Adjectives to describe personality. Intensifiers. Verbs in the present tense, in the near future tense and in the past perfect tense.

Verbs in the present tense. Use of conditional verb ‘je voudrais’ + inf verb.

Verbs in near future tense. Prepositions.

Modal verb ‘il faut’.

Time phrases.

A range of vocab for various talents. A range of modal verbs in the present tense in both affirmative and negative forms. Adjectives for personality.

A range of French tense verbs. Vocabulary for geography and climate.

What should they be able to do?

Students should be able to talk about TV, films, reading and the Internet. They should be able to say what they think about it, how often they do it and why.

Students should be able to say what they can do in Paris. They should be able to ask and understand information about a tourist attraction.

They should be able to describe a past visit. 

Students should be able to describe their and someone else’s personality. They should be able to say what they do with their friends. They should be able to talk about music. They should be able to describe future plans and a past weekend.

Students should be able to describe where they live and where they would like to live. They should be able to describe their home in more detail. They should be able to describe their meals and to discuss food to buy. They should be able to talk about a forthcoming event.

Students should be able to describe their talent and their ambitions. They should be able to give advice to be successful. They should be able to talk about what they like / can / are going / would like to do.

Students should be able to develop their knowledge about world geography and French speaking countries.

Key vocabulary

Je regarde… / Je ne regarde pas…

J’aime… / J’adore… / Je n’aime pas… / Je déteste

Je lis / Je ne lis pas

Car / Parce que

C’est / Ce n’est pas

S’/Quand il y a

S’il / Quand il fait

I look… / I don’t look…

I like… / I love… / I don’t like… / I hate

I read / I don't read

This is not French

It is / It is not

If/When there is

If / When he does


On peut/On ne peut pas + infinitive verb

J’aime (or other opinion phrase + infinitive verb)

À mon avis

C’est où…?

Est-ce qu’il y a…?

J’ai passé

J’ai acheté

J’ai dansé

(and other -ER past time verbs)

C’était + adjective

We can/We cannot + infinitive verb

I like (or other opinion phrase + infinitive verb)

In my opinion

Where is it…?

Is there…?

I spent

I bought

I danced

(and other -ER past time verbs)

It was + adjective


Je suis…

Il/Elle est…

Mon meilleur ami est…

très / assez / un peu

On joue / parle / regarde / va

J’écoute du rap / rock /…

Je vais + inf verb

Je suis allé(e)

J’ai visité / mangé / regardé

I am…

He she is…

My best friend is…

very / quite / a little

We play / talk / watch / go

I listen to rap/rock/…

I will + inf verb

I went)

I visited / ate / watched



Je voudrais habiter…

Il y a… / Il n’y a pas…

dans / sur / sous / devant  / derrière

Je prends / Je mange

On prend / On mange

Chez moi

Il faut…

Je vais + inf verb

I live…

I would like to live…

There is… / There is no…

in / on / under / in front / behind

I take / I eat

We take / We eat

At my house

It's necessary…

I will + inf verb


Mon talent, c’est…


Je veux / Je dois / Tu dois / Je ne peux pas / Je veux / Je voudrais


Infinitive verb  

My talent is…


I want / I have to / You have to / I can't / I want / I would like


Le monde

Les pays francophones

Les continents

Notre terre


The world

French speaking countries

The continents

Our earth



End of Module 1 tests consisting of a reading paper and a listening paper on the topic ‘pastimes’.

End of Module 2 test consisting of a GCSE foundation paper-style 40-60 word written task and a translation task (EN→FR) for the topic ‘Paris’

End of Module 3 tests consisting of a reading paper and a listening paper on the topic ‘identity’.

End of Module 2 test consisting of a GCSE foundation paper-style 40-60 word written task and a translation task (EN→FR) for the topic ‘Home’.

End of Module 5 tests consisting of a reading paper and a listening paper on the topic ‘talent and ambitions’.

End of year tests consisting of a reading paper, listening paper, speaking assessment and a GCSE foundation paper-style 40 word written task.




MFL Year 9 Progression Grid Link 






Area of study:

Social life

Our bodies

Life post-16


Me in the world

Culture and revision

What should they know?

How to describe yourself

How to invite someone on an outing

How to use the present tense

How to use the perfect tense


How to say the parts of the body,

How to say what makes a good sports person.

Healthy eating

How to make plans in the future


How to discuss your future

What you can do with languages

Describing a job

To talk about your ambitions

How to talk about your holidays

Imagine an adventure holiday

Talk about what you take with you on holiday

Describe holiday disasters

Talk about a past holiday

Talk about human rights

Explain what’s important to you

Talk about things you buy

Describe what makes you happy



How to describe the characters, plot and wider social themes raised in a French film.

What should they be able to do?

Students should be able to describe their appearance and personality, invite someone out and make excuses, and describe an event in the past.

Use à + definite article

Use il faut + infinitive

Use du, de la and des when talking about eating

Use the near future tense

Use two tenses together

Use the near future tense

Use modal verbs (on peut + infinitive)

Use common irregular verbs

Ask questions

Use masculine and feminine nouns

Ask questions using question words

Use je voudrais + inifinitve

Use reflexive verbs

Use the perfect tense

Use possessive adjectives

Using j’ai le droit de + infinitive

Using mon, ma and mes

Using three tenses together

Using infinitives to mean ‘–ing’

Using present and near future tenses

Students will be able to complete a project based on a French film ‘Les Choristes’

Key vocabulary

J’ai … ans.
J’ai les cheveux …
Je suis..
Où vas-tu le weekend?
Je vais …
Oui, je veux bien.
Non, merci.
Je suis allé(e) au
C’était …
On a…


la bouche

le bras

le corps

le dos

Pour être un bon sportif, …

il faut …

Je mange du/de la/de l’/des …

Je ne mange jamais de …

Je vais…

Dans deux/quatre ans, …

Un jour, …

Je vais …

Avec les langues, on peut …

Qu’est-ce que tu fais comme travail?

Je voudrais être …

Ce serait …

Où passes-tu tes vacances?

Je passe mes vacances …

Un jour, je voudrais …

Qu’est-ce que tu prends quand tu vas en vacances?

Je prends …

J’ai …

Il/Elle a …


J’ai le droit …

Je n’ai pas le droit …

Mes priorités sont …


le weekend dernier

la semaine prochaine

Qu’est-ce que c’est pour toi, le bonheur?

Pour moi, le bonheur, c’est …


Les Choristes

Un film français

Realisé par…

Il est sorti en..

Les personnages

Les adjectifs

Mes prédictions


End of Module 1 tests consisting of a reading paper and a listening paper on the topic social life.

End of Module 2 test consisting of a GCSE foundation paper-style 40-60 word written task and a translation task (EN→FR) for the topic our bodies

End of Module 3 tests consisting of a reading paper and a listening paper on the topic life post-16.

End of Module 2 test consisting of a GCSE foundation paper-style 40-60 word written task and a translation task (EN→FR) for the topic holidays.

End of Module 5 tests consisting of a reading paper and a listening paper on the topic me in the world.

End of year tests consisting of a reading paper, listening paper, speaking assessment and a GCSE foundation paper-style 40 word written task.








Area of study:

  • GCSE Theme 1 - Identity & Culture
  • Customs & Festivals


  • GCSE Theme 2 - Local, National, International & Global Areas of Interest
  • Home Town, Neighbourhood & Region
  • Travel & Tourism


  • GCSE Theme 2 - Local, National, International & Global Areas of Interest
  • Social Issues & Global Issues


What should they know?

How to talk about friends and what makes a good friend

How to talk about family relationships

How to make arrangements to go out

How to describe a night out with friends

How to talk about their life when they were younger

How to discuss role models

How to describe their daily life

How to talk about food for special occasions

How to use polite language

How to describe family celebrations

How to describe festivals and traditions

How to talk about an ideal holiday

How to book and review hotels

How to order in a restaurant

How to discuss travelling

How to buy souvenirs

What should they be able to do?

Use irregular verbs in the present tense

Use the relative pronoun qui

Use possessive adjectives

Use reflexive verbs in the present tense

Use emphatic prounouns

Use auxiliary verbs

Use the pronoun on

Ask questions in the tu and vous forms

Use venir de + infinitive

Use a combination of tenses

Use the conditional tense

Use reflexive verbs in the present tense

Use En + present participle

Use avant de + infinitive

Use demonstrative adjectives and pronouns

Key vocabulary

Je pense que / Pour moi,

les qualités importantes chez un ami sont

le sens de l’humour / la patience

Un bon ami est

compréhensif / énergique / équilibré / fidèle / gentil

Un bon ami n’est pas

de mauvaise humeur / impatient / jaloux / prétentieux / raciste

Un bon ami (est quelqu’un qui)

croit en moi / dit toujours la vérité

X est / semble / a l’air

extrêmement / vraiment / plutôt

agaçant(e) / fort(e) / puissant(e) est maigre comme un clou / léger (légère) comme une plume

J’ai cours…

tous les jours sauf…

(cinq) jours par semaine.

Je vais au lycée…

en bus / en voiture / à pied.

Les jours d’école,…

je dois me lever tôt

je quitte la maison.

Le dimanche,…

je peux rester au lit / faire la grasse matinée.

Le soir,…

je dois faire mes devoirs

je mange avec ma famille

Le mercredi après-midi,…

je peux me détendre un peu

Le week-end,…

je sors avec mes copains

chez nous / chez moi





Tu te lèves tôt?

Comment? / Où? / Quand?

Comment seraient tes vacances idéales?

Je logerais…

dans une chambre d’hôte

dans un gîte à la campagne

dans une auberge de jeunesse

sur un bateau.

Je voyagerais…

avec mes copains / copines

avec ma famille

avec une organisation


Je regarderais le coucher du soleil.

Je ferais du canoë-kayak.

Je me reposerais.

Je m’amuserais avec mes copains / copines.

Il y aurait…

un café qui serait ouvert toute la nuit

des feux d’artifice tous les soirs

Il n’y aurait aucun bruit!

Ce serait…

pittoresque / tranquille / reposant


End of Module tests consisting of a GCSE-style reading paper, listening paper and a full writing paper testing knowledge of customs and festivals.

End of Module tests consisting of a GCSE-style reading paper, listening paper and a full writing paper testing knowledge of National, International & Global Areas of Interest.

End of Module tests consisting of a GCSE-style reading paper, listening paper and a full writing paper testing knowledge of social and global issues.








Area of study:

  • GCSE Theme 3 - Current & Future Study & Employment
  • My Studies & Life at School


  • GCSE Theme 3 - Current & Future Study & Employment
  • Jobs, Career Choices & Ambitions


Revision & Exam Preparation

What should they know?

How to talk about their school

How to compare schools in the UK and Francophone countries

How to discuss school rules

How to discuss healthy living and vices

How to talk about a school exchange

How to discuss problems facing the world

How to talk about protecting the environment

How to discuss ethical shopping

How to talk about volunteering

How to discuss global events


All topics and themes related to GCSE

What should they be able to do?

Make comparisons

Use the present tense: the third person singular and the third person plural


Use il faut and il est interdit de

Use the imperative


The present and future tenses

The pronoun on

Make connections between word types


Use the modal verbs pouvoir and devoir in the conditional


Use the passive voice


Use indirect object pronouns



Answer questions on listening, reading, writing and speaking papers.

Key vocabulary

C’est quelle sorte de collège?

C’est un collège mixte pour les élèves de onze à seize ans.

Il y a combien d’élèves?

Quels sont les horaires du collège?

Les cours commencent à (8h30).

La récré est à (10h15) et dure…

On a (une heure et demie) pour le déjeuner.

Les cours finissent à (16 heures).

Il y a combien de cours par jour?

Il y a (sept cours) de (cinquante-cinq) minutes par jour.

J’étudie (douze matières) dont…

Toutes mes matières sont obligatoires.

Ma matière préférée, c’est … car…

j’adore …

je suis doué(e) pour ça.

Comment sont les professeurs?

Qu’est-ce que tu penses de ton collège?

Je trouve que/qu’…

les journées sont trop longues

les profs sont excellents.

À ton avis, quel est le plus grand problème pour la planète, et pourquoi?

le changement climatique

le déboisement

la disparition des espèces

la guerre

la sécheresse

un milliard

Beaucoup d’animaux sont en train de disparaître.

Les ressources naturelles ne sont pas infinies.



End of Module tests consisting of a GCSE-style reading paper, listening paper and a full writing paper testing knowledge of future study and employment.

End of Module tests consisting of a GCSE-style reading paper, listening paper and a full writing paper testing knowledge of global issues.

GCSE exams



GCSE Exam Information:

Students can continue to study French in Key Stage 4. We follow the AQA exam specification. There is emphasis on speaking skills, harnessed from Key Stage 3 learning. The new GCSE course is split into three main topic areas – 1) Identity and Culture 2) Local, national, international and global areas of interest and 3) Current and future study and employment. Students will be assessed across the four key skills (25% each) at the end of the course. Language learning is fun and interactive, embracing all of our learners and equipping them to take their languages further either for study or pleasure. Fundamental British Values are promoted throughout schemes of work in both KS3 and KS4


Useful links:

This year the MFL department is launching the use of LanguageNut as an online platform for completing homework and revision.

Students will be set assignments to complete for homework and they can also gain points on this platform independently. LanguageNut is an excellent tool to practise all language skills.





Any enquiries about Modern Language can be made by emailing the address below...